Bless up!
Doctor Beverley at your service. While I am not a medical doctor and cannot provide medical services, I am a conjure doctor and rootworker and I'm happy to assist you in all your spiritual, magical, and practical endeavors.
Having a lifelong background in both Christian and Druid traditions, I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer. In the Druid tradition, prayer is interpreted as "intention" - a mindful declaration of your goals. The human mind is immensely powerful with untold, untapped resources. Most of us have yet to unlock our full potential. I believe that our "intent" is the first key in achieving our goals. When our goals are clearly identified and carefully prioritized and the power of our intention is applied, the magic of the herbs can more easily assist the efforts. With our clear goals identified and our intentions applied, the rootwork (the plant energies) can more easily manifest the desired results.
As a practicing yogi of over 20 years, I continue to marvel at the intricacies of the Mind-Body connection. Yoga practice emphasizes the importance of living in the present, of listening to your heart, of honoring your strengths and being aware of your weaknesses. Yoga honors our bodies - exactly where we are on any given day - and encourages self-love amid quiet mental and body awareness. Yoga emphasizes the universal truth that we must bring our physical, mental, and spiritual beings into balance.